60. Tallahassee - The Mountain Goats (2002).
Yet another concept album on the list, though I guess this is more like a short story set to music (or is that what a concept album is?). John Darnielle might be one of my favorite people in the music business. He's huge metal fan (even writing an entry on Black Sabbath in the 33 1/3 series, which is all kinds of awesome) but made his name writing most spare acoustic tracks. He tells sweet stories in concert - my favorite was about some of the awesome stuff in some of the books that didn't make it into the Old Testament. Also, there is something incredibly awesome about a whole bunch of people joyfully singing "I hope you die! I hope we both die!"

59. Ones and Zeros - Immaculate Machine (2005).
Did you know there are only 10 types of people in the world? Those who understand binary and those who don't. Math! I love me some math jokes. I also love me some Immaculate Machine. They make an excellent addition to the New Pornographers family tree.

58. Gimme Fiction - Spoon (2005).
More goodness from Spoon. I'm reasonably sure that Britt Daniel is incapable of writing a bad song. "I Turn My Camera On", "My Mathematical Mind", "The Beast and Dragon, Adored" - all stellar.

57. The Trials of Van Occupanther - Midlake (2006).
This album would have received consideration if "Roscoe" was the only song on the album. Throw in "Head Home", "Van Occupanther", and "Young Bride", and this is a no-brainer. Very odd album cover though.

56. Raised By Wolves + Mothers, Sisters, Daughter and Wives + Your Biggest Fan - Voxtrot (2005/2006).
Yes, I'm combining 3 EPs into one super album. Yes, this is blatantly cheating. But you know what? It's my list, so I'm doing it. Plus, this is how I normally listen to these EPs, as one cohesive album.

55. The Dirty South (2004) 54. Decoration Day (2003) - The Drive-By Truckers.
Two entries for the price of one! As I mentioned in my Taxonomy of 5 Star Songs post, the Drive-By Truckers are undeniably awesome, but all of there albums/songs are so good, I have a hard time singling them out. The Drive-By Truckers are one of the bands that made me rethink my blanket aversion to country music*. While they aren't all country, they have enough elements of country music that I can't really dismiss country out of hand like I used to. I now realize I made the rookie mistake of judging the entire genre based on what was played on mainstream radio. Oops. Sorry country music - I'm more open-minded now.
* Other bands that helped: Johnny Cash, Neko Case, and Lucero.

53. Night Falls Over Kortedala - Jens Lekman (2007).
Lekman's songs can be alternately sweet, sad, odd, and hilarious. The wry self-deprecation on "Kanske Ar Jag Kar I Dig" is completely endearing.

52. Girls Can Tell - Spoon (2001).
Since I've already had two Spoon entries, I'll use this space to make a plea directly to Spoon.
Dear Spoon,
Please please please please play "Fitted Shirt" the next time I see you in concert. I know you have lots of good songs, and people probably request a whole bunch of them, but "Fitted Shirt' is one of the awesomest songs of all time. I know you're going to play "Underdog" and "The Way We Get By" - those songs are awesome too - but if you add "Fitted Shirt", I'll be forever grateful.
I miss you Elliott Smith. Can you come back as a zombie? I'm pretty sure zombie Elliott Smith would still make better music than, say, Nickelback (even without fine motor skills).
i forgot to post how i loved the voxtrot ep cheat! so true. that album was such a bummer disappointment. but the eps, were' all so brilliant, they just need to be listed!