50. Rabbit Fur Coat - Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins (2005).
Jenny takes a left turn from Rilo Kiley and ends up with and old school gospel record (though without the gospel themes) and the Watson Twins add some sweet harmonizing. Jenny also has the distinction of being the most magnetic performer I've seen in concert* - not necessarily the best performer, but the one I could least take my eyes off of.
* Second place: Tunde Adepimbe of TV on the Radio. That dude owns the stage.

I guess this is the indie rock crush section of the top 100. If I could choose one person to sing to me before bed (lullabye or otherwise....), it would be Leslie Feist.
48. Good News for People Who Like Bad News - Modest Mouse (2004).
I ran my car into a cop car the other day. One of my favorite opening lines - a hilarious premise just shrugged off in the next line. I suppose it fits the theme Isaac Brock was shooting for in Float On, but it still seems like a missed opportunity. Fortunately, Modest Mouse didn't miss their opportunity for breakthrough success on this album. While not as awesome (or abrasive) as some of their earlier albums (Lonesome Crowded West), it served as an excellent starting point for many (me included).
I ran my car into a cop car the other day. One of my favorite opening lines - a hilarious premise just shrugged off in the next line. I suppose it fits the theme Isaac Brock was shooting for in Float On, but it still seems like a missed opportunity. Fortunately, Modest Mouse didn't miss their opportunity for breakthrough success on this album. While not as awesome (or abrasive) as some of their earlier albums (Lonesome Crowded West), it served as an excellent starting point for many (me included).

47. Turn on the Bright Lights - Interpol (2002).
Fun fact! A Google search for Interpol brings up the band before the international organization.
I like the idea of an open letter to science* in general. Here's how mine would read:
Dear Science,
You are awesome. Without you, we wouldn't have computers or TVs or iPods. Our fiction would remain ordinary. We would have nothing to drop when trying to inform the populace. I wish more people would like you instead of thinking you are for nerds. Although, if that were the case, maybe you wouldn't be so awesome? Actually, stay elite science. I'm okay with hoping people get science puns**.
* Science, in this case, is defined as physics, chemistry, math, engineering, and the cooler parts of biology (molecular biology - you're in, botany - take seat). Sociology? Psychology? no dice***
** My favorite science pun that no one got: I was talking with a co-worker over lunch and he made the comment that he didn't always feel like he was married (or something to that effect). To which I replied, "So she's kind of like Schrodinger's spouse, eh?" [cue crickets].
*** I was in a bookstore today where Sociology, Psychology, etc. were in a section labeled: Social "Science". Awesome.

45. All Hour Cymbals - Yeasayer (2007).
This one came completely out of left field to throw me out at third base - kind of like the first time someone tried to go first to third on Ichiro (yes, I know that was right field). I did not expect to like this one as much as a did. However, the rhythms and the falsetto and the yelping and the layers of sound blew me away. On that note:
Dear Music Venues,
Please learn how to mix concerts correctly. I know concerts are supposed to be loud. However, without the right mix, everything just sounds like bass and drums. For some bands, this is okay. However, with a band like Yeasayer where much of the appeal is the mixing of different sounds and rhythms, too much bass kind of ruins the whole experience.
If it turns out my hearing is going bad, I retract this complaint.

44. Sunset Tree - The Mountain Goats (2005).
I am going to make it through this year if it kills me. That is all.

43. The Earth is Not a Cold Dead Place - Explosions in the Sky (2003).
It has been said many times before, but listening to Explosions in the Sky makes everything you do more epic. Struggling to get housework done? Throw on some EitS and you'll be heroically slaying the vicious Dust Bunny instead of just vacuuming them. Just walking around downtown? Listen to Your Hand in Mine and you'll be exploring virgin planets instead. Taking a nap? Well, I guess naps can't get much more epic than they already are.

42. Almost Killed Me - The Hold Steady (2004).
Fun Fact! I discovered both the Hold Steady and the Mountains goats in the same article in The New Yorker of all places*.
* I just set a personal record for prepositions used in one sentence.
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